I read one of my last entries and it made me giggle, especially this part:

Also I completed an application to volunteer at Christchurch Women’s Refuge.  I figure doing a few hours a week will help get me back into the swing of things so I am ready to go by next year when I get to start my course again.  If they don’t have space for me to volunteer, I am going to volunteer at Victim Support.  I am hoping to get in at the refuge though since it is where I would like to work after I get my degree.  If they already know me, it’s a foot in the door!

Two years on, and I do indeed work there!  I just stuck around until eventually they started paying me!  It is a nice change, I have to say.

This morning I met Kenneth’s father (yes, after almost a year of being together because timing is a thing) and then took Kenneth to the airport.  He is headed for the big gaming conference in San Francisco (he’s a video game developer) and then he’s taking an extra week to travel around a bit.  He has booked tours to the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon which is awesome.  Then when he gets back we’ll celebrate our year anniversary which is technically while he’s away.

Today I bought myself a kitty clock, you know one of those with the tail that wags?  Except I put it by my door and every time I leave my room I look up and there’s this black shape there and it scares me.  Kind of pathetic, non?  I love it anyway though.  I think it speaks to my cat lady qualities.

Speaking of the cats, they are all doing well!  I should put some pictures up, but perhaps another day.  The birds are well too!  Loud, as usual.  Quinn got a claw stuck in my bed canopy yesterday and while I tried to help him out he bit me which was less than fun, but at least he didn’t hurt himself, just my finger!

I am going to be taking Irish classes this year, starting on Monday!  I think I am dragging Alina along with me too, which is awesome.  The classes are out at the Christchurch Irish Society which was originally founded because Eamon De Valera was coming to visit New Zealand in the 40s and Auckland had an Irish Society and CHCH didn’t, so they scrambled to found one.  The building is now all dusty and old, but I like it!  And a lot of the class members (I say a lot, but there’s like 10 of us) are from Ireland, so I can practice speaking Irish with the correct accent, unlike being taught German by Americans.

What else, let’s see…  Next week one of the housemates is having adenoid surgery so I’ll take her in for that and drive her home.  She’s been on the waitlist forever, so this is great.  I think I’m the only one home with her next week on Saturday as well, so I’ll play nursemaid and take care of her.  She should heal up quickly though, hurrah!